Bachelors Thesis

Department of Aerospace Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India.

Rocket propulsion- “Calculation of Theoretical Performance of Boron-Based Composite Solid Propellant for the Future Applications” - S.A. Hashim, M. Lahariya, S. Karmakar, A. Roy. Conference : I-DAD in Aerospace and Automotive Engineering, 2016.

Presented insights based on specific impulse and theoretical analysis of performance parameters of metal based solid rocket propellants Analysed 250 propellant configurations and suggested best among those configurations based on high energy density using NASA CEA

Manu Lahariya
Manu Lahariya
मनु लहरिया
AI Scientist, Amsterdam
PhD, Artificial Intelligence, AI4E, IDLab

My research interests include physics based machine learning, reinforcement learning and deep learning.